Walnuts are the fruits of certain shrubs or trees that have an edible core and strong shell. They are "champions" in the content of substances beneficial to the human body, because they contain many vitamins, minerals, essential oils and plant proteins, which is extremely useful for all organs and systems. And it is precisely thanks to the unique nutritional composition that many experts today focus on how useful nuts are for strength in men, so it is necessary to discuss this topic in more detail.

What do you need to know?
The information that proper nutrition can solve many health problems and improve the condition of the whole body as a whole is no secret, and today a healthy lifestyle, in which "proper nutrition" plays a key role, is promoted by almostall media. However, in the context of this issue, it must be said that poor nutrition often causes fertility (inability to have children or infertility) and erectile dysfunction in men. And nuts can help solve this problem.
Everyone knows the expression - strong as a nut, and there is not just a grain of truth in it, but the truth, because, according to the research of scientists, that men who eat a handful of these fruits a day are several times moreare less likely to suffer from problems with power and can boast of excellent sperm quality, therefore, it is not worth ignoring the information that nuts that increase power should be in the diet of every male member of humanity.
According to international statistics, about 70 million couples in the world suffer from problems with infertility or reduced fertility, and more specifically, almost every sixth family faces this, and in most cases it is the husband who is "guilty" of this MeSterility usuallyoccurs against the background of an insufficient number and poor quality of sperm (they may have decreased activity or an irregular shape, for example), but erectile dysfunction is also a special problem, namely the power, which (as it canguess) just does not give a man the opportunity to get pregnant (although the psychological aspect is also worth mentioning here, because good power gives masculinity and self-confidence).

The health benefits of nuts for men
The aforementioned product can be found in the diet of every person, and this fact pleases only scientists, because their composition is truly unique and with their help it is possible not only to treat male infertility and impotence, but also to normalizethe whole body as a whole. First of all, it must be said that people love this product for its pleasant taste, and its beneficial qualities turn out to be a really nice bonus. Walnuts can become a real healthy appetizer, after which a person will feel full for a long time, but they are used not only in cooking, but also in the field of traditional medicine, and before we talk about whichnuts are useful for men for strength, it is worth noting that the presence of the following substances in the composition makes them useful:
- the nuclei contain a large amount of vitamin E;
- micro and macro elements, among which magnesium, iron, phosphorus and manganese play a special role, because they have a direct effect on the human urinary system and normalize its functioning;
- fatty acids are useful for the work of the vascular system and are nuts that are leading among other plant substances in their content (information has been verified and confirmed by relevant studies);
- organic compounds that are beneficial to the work of the whole body as a whole and other healing substances that make this food product practically indispensable in the human diet.

It is necessary to describe the benefits of the product for a very long time, because in addition to the information known to all about how useful nuts are for strength in men, it is worth knowing that their regular use improves the functioning of the peripheral nerve system (they are recommended for use with high blood pressure). Healthy carbohydrates and fatty acids, which are included in the composition, are converted into energy, which is also due to the high content of magnesium, and therefore they are recommended to be used as an ultra healthy snack (they are recommended foruse especially for those people who are on a diet, because the fats contained in the composition do not contribute to the increase of body fat, but, of course, you should not forget the dosage.
Moreover, the fatty acids that are part of nuts help prevent the development of arteriosclerosis because they lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and improves erection (or prevents erectile dysfunction). Also, this product is suitable for people suffering from diabetes mellitus because they reduce glucose levels and even improve the patient's condition.
In parallel, the ability of fruits to slow down the aging process of the body (due to the high content of beneficial vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements), strengthen the body's immune system and prevent cancer is observed.
And if we talk about which nuts are best for strength, then we can say that the following types of them can be used for this purpose:
- arra;
- cedar;
- nutmeg;
- Brazilian;
- hazelnuts;
- almond;
- groundnut

Nuts and potency
Particular attention should be paid to how useful nuts are for strength, and for this you should discuss the following information. A doctor from the University of California, Wendy Robbins, recently drew public attention to the properties of alpha-linoleic acid and its effect on the male body. She conducted a study described in the American journal Biology of Reproduction, which included 117 men in the 21-35 age group. They were divided into two groups, the first of which did not eat nuts, and the second took 75 of this product every day (this "dose" was chosen for the fact that scientists calculated that it does not increase body weight, but in the sametime increases the level of healthy fats in the blood).
Studies have shown that after three months the sperm quality (i. e. motility, concentration and stability of sperm) in the participants in the experiment (second group) improved significantly. Wendy Robbins explains this fact with the fact that this product contains organic acids, respectively alpha-linolenic and arginic acids, which have a direct effect on both sperm quality and improving blood microcirculation through vessels in the pelvic organs, and the last fact is that it has a positive effect on power, so you can answer positively the question of whether nuts help for power, the main thing is to know exactly how much they should be consumed and in what quantity. Moreover, it should be said that this product contains a high content of zinc, which stimulates the production of male hormones that prevent the development of erectile dysfunction and allow the elimination of its consequences.
Important!For the treatment of sexual impotence in men, nuts were recommended to be used by the founder of medicine, Avicena, who was one of the first to notice how they increase sperm vitality and improve blood filling the penis (they bring no less benefitfor the female body than for the male).

Brazil nuts and their effect on the male body
Few people know about this that a rare species of monkey of the genus Capuchin owes its continuation to the Brazilian nuts, which they love dearly. The fact is that it is this genus of monkeys that is able to open the strong shell and reach the nutritional core, which contains the supply of all useful vitamins and trace elements. The composition of the fruit of this tree contains a large amount of selenium and the amino acid arginine, which are considered the most powerful antioxidants.
The above components can increase the level of testosterone in the blood of men, improve the quality and quantity of ejaculation and increase the level of sperm motility, which is often mentioned in the scientific literature.
Particular attention should be paid to the fact that selenium is a preventive measure for prostate cancer, and almost half of the male population of the planet suffers from this disease today, and it is not surprising that people with such a diagnosis sufferfrom erection problems. Many good things can also be said about arginine because this acid stimulates erection by improving blood flow to the penis (this amino acid increases the production of nitric oxide and causes the veins to dilate, which increases blood flow through the vessels).
When talking about which nuts increase strength in men, you should not ignore the above information, because there is evidence that eating two or three Brazil nuts a day can meet the body's need for a daily dose of selenium and increase male potency. , thus preventing the development of erectile dysfunction.
Important!An increase in the dose of these nuts can reduce the level of testosterone in the body (due to a very high concentration of selenium in the blood) and thus provoke the development of erection problems, so they should not be abused.

Hazelnuts and almonds
When talking about how nuts affect strength, special attention should be paid to the beneficial properties of hazelnuts and almonds. Chinese scientists consider almonds as a super strong medicine for strength, and they are completely sure that only 30 grams of this product per day are enough and eventually there will be no problems with strength (the result will become apparent after a fewmonths of such a fortification of the diet).
Clinical studies have shown that regular consumption of almonds for 2-3 years can increase the duration of sexual intercourse by about 40% (clinical studies may be inaccurate and may vary from person to person). The result is achieved for the fact that the composition of almond kernel contains arginine, which has a direct effect on the wall of blood vessels, which allows them to expand and relax. Improved blood circulation has a positive effect on erectile function, but it is worth remembering that the best effect is achieved by consuming almonds 20 minutes before eating, so its beneficial substances are absorbed much better.
Although nuts are believed to be very beneficial for men, a recipe for strength may also include the use of hazelnuts, which contain a large amount of vitamins and trace elements. Regular consumption of hazelnuts helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and has a positive effect on blood circulation. Hazelnuts can be used to prevent and eliminate male diseases, therefore, experts recommend its use, and for this it is enough to eat only 50 grams of this product every day and it is not recommended to exceed the dose, because hazelnuts contain a lot of nutrients andfibers, and their excessive concentration can be fraught with side effects in the form of nausea, diarrhea, and gas formation. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of exactly new nuts, because it is in them that is concentrated the greatest amount of all useful substances.
It is worth refraining from eating hazelnuts with intolerance to this product (allergic reaction to it), age more than 50-60 years and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Pine nut
Talking about which nuts are useful for male potency, it is worth paying attention to pine nuts, which contain a large amount of zinc, arginic acid and vitamin E, that is, they are very useful for the normal functioning ofMale reproductive system and normal erection Cedar also helps to improve the walls of blood vessels and allows you to remove cholesterol from the vessels, which makes it really necessary for men, while the daily dose is still 50 grams and can not be abused in anyway, because otherwise it can lead to a sharpness put weight and health problems (it is better to give preference to raw hazelnuts, because they do not bring the desired benefits when fried or salted). It is no secret to anyone how useful honey and nuts are for power, the recipe of which is mentioned in almost all sources of information related to improving "men's health", and hazelnuts in this case are no exception, so expertsrecommend preparing a "medicine" based on them - to do this, you just need to take a tablespoon of pine nuts and mix them with two or three tablespoons of honey (to improve the taste, you can also add dried fruitin the above ingredients. This drug is suitable for almost everyone except those suffering from individual intolerance to the drug.
How effective is nutmeg for power?
It would be useful to mention how nutmeg is useful for strength, because this spice, according to recent statements of experts, allows not only to normalize the erection process itself, but also to improve the ejaculation process by normalizing its duration. This nut is in the form of a seed surrounded by a tree-like scales and is commonly used as an effective spice with a sweet-spicy aroma.
Nutmeg has a beneficial effect on the body only in small amounts. Its healing effect is to stimulate the cardiovascular system and strengthen the central nervous system. Nutmeg-based pharmacological preparations are used by men who notice a decrease in sexual potency due to:
- mood swings, excessive excitement before intercourse;
- fixation on previous failures in intimate life;
- physical or emotional stress;
- constant stress and work conflicts;
- chronic fatigue syndrome.
Nutmeg powder is used to neutralize the symptoms of psychogenic impotence, improve control over the shedding process and extend the time of intimacy.

Recipes for the preparation of natural "medicines"
It is not enough to have information on which nuts for strength in men are best used at home, you still need to pay attention to the recipes for the preparation of "medicines" (although, as shown above, they can be easily takenand simply Me
- Take a small glass jar (0. 5 L or less is fine) and fill to the brim with peeled walnuts. Once you need to fill the contents of the jar with honey. Adding additional ingredients to a traditional recipe will not only make the "doctor" healthier, but also much tastier. At the same time, experts recommend supplementing the house "pill" with dried fruits with nutritional energy, as well as lemon, which is a source of large amounts of vitamin C and a natural erectile enhancer.
- The second recipe for honey and nuts for strength means you should get 100 g of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and dates. Pass them through a meat grinder and add 200 g of nuts to the mixture. From 1 lemon it is necessary to extract the peel and juice - also mix them with the above ingredients. Pour the resulting gruel with a glass of bee honey and stir until smooth. To increase the effectiveness of this medicine, you can mix honey with nuts of different types: nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds. Many also argue that adding a few tablespoons of sour cream will also increase the nutritional value of the mixture, but add this "to taste" ingredient.
Above, it has already been described in detail how nuts affect men’s strength. And, as you know, you can limit yourself to consuming 100 g of nuts a day, which, by the way, will completely compensate for the lack of protein in the body, if any, and take a spoonful of honey, or you can use recipesspecially prepared. Efficiency in any case will be at the right level, as there is hardly any product better than honey and nuts for strength - men’s reviews only hurt this information.
- Walnut-honey milk. Pour half a glass of cold but pre-boiled water into a dozen chopped walnuts. After an hour and a half, drain the infusion and add two tablespoons of honey to it. Walnut milk has a great effect on the duration of an erection;
- Onion seeds are mixed with honey in equal proportions. To activate testosterone production, it is enough to drink 1 teaspoon of the mixture several times a day;
- Honey and aloe. One pound of peeled hazelnuts is mixed with 100 ml of aloe juice and crushed parsley rhizomes, and then taken three times a day just before meals;
- One-third of a glass of honey is mixed in equal proportions with freshly squeezed carrot juice and taken before meals;
- Honey and dried ginger root give a homogeneous consistency and, with water, are taken before meals.

How to use it?
Clearly clear how useful and easy to use nuts for strength in men, the recipes for these medicines differ slightly from each other, therefore, the methods of taking the nutrient mixture are identical - just eat 2 tablespoons a day. This dose can be divided into two doses (in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime), or you can take a "loading" dose in the late afternoon, a few hours before bedtime (or sex).
It is believed that eating a dish of honey nuts will be more effective if you drink the dessert with a glass of milk. The fact is that the product is rich in calcium, zinc and magnesium - this trinity, which is no secret to anyone, is the basis for the production of the male hormone testosterone. A portion of fatty cottage cheese, which is good as a healthy and nutritious breakfast, will give the same effect.
What is the best honey for medicine preparation?
It is not enough to know which nuts are best for potency can be considered, because they are mainly used together with honey, so special attention should be paid to the type of honey that should be used for this purpose.
The greatest benefits for men come from honey from ginseng, as well as the nectar of buckwheat, chestnuts and flowers. If we take flower honey, then the most suitable melliferous plants to enhance men's health will be basil, jasmine and orchids.
To achieve the desired positive result, it is necessary to include honey in the daily diet. According to old customs, it is advisable to chew it in honeycombs, as they contain a large amount of extra vitamins. Some experts recommend using honey in the morning on an empty stomach, slowly dissolving one or two teaspoons of the treatment in your mouth, and others - in the evening, two to three hours before bedtime.
The honey honey recipe is a champion in the composition of vitamins and also the most common method for increasing male desire. To do this, you need to mix crushed walnuts with honey, in approximately a 1: 1 ratio and take this mixture for a month every day, one or two tablespoons. After a week of honey therapy, the patient will feel an improvement in the area of sexual activity.
What can be said as a conclusion?
There are various ways to normalize men's health, and honey nuts for potency are not the only means of normalizing the genitourinary system, and if a person has decided to use traditional medicine prescriptions to improve erection, then it should beprepared for the fact that the course of treatment will be quite long and the effect from it will have to wait far from immediately. Positive and, most importantly, rapid changes can be expected when you take proven medications to normalize erections and treat erectile dysfunction, which are sold in pharmacies and are fully proven medications.

What should you pay attention to?
In addition to everything described above, you should also pay attention to your general state of health, and especially carefully monitor your diet and your psycho-emotional state of the body. A healthy diet is the maximum intake of fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk). You should also include only the healthiest fats in your diet, such as ghee. The use of alcohol, fried foods, white flour products negatively affects the body condition and male potency, so their use should be limited.
Regarding the psycho-emotional state, it must be said that it often affects sexual intercourse no less than a healthy diet. Safe and cheerful state, emotional relaxation, tenderness, comfortable atmosphere - these factors constitute a favorable state of mind, which is necessary for a high quality sexual intercourse. If necessary, the moral attitude can always be adjusted in advance, and for this there are many different methods, but the main thing in them is to relax and "get out of the situation".
Natural aphrodisiacs can enhance the effect of proper nutrition (we are not talking about any pills that can be found in adult stores that are included in the food, and these include many seafood, which are recommended to be included in the romantic dinner menu for quite a whiletime for obvious reasons.